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News: DTCP calls for cancellation of property registries that lack NOCs-12-07-2020


As per the rules, an NOC has to be obtained from the enforcement wing of DTCP to register a plot of land less than two-kanals in size to ensure that the land would not be sub-divided to create smaller plots as part of unauthorised colonies.

The department of town and country planning (DTCP) has asked the district administration to cancel the registries of property deeds registered without no-objection certificates (NOC) from the department and initiate action against their holders. In a letter dated July 7, the director of DTCP said that the drive against illegal development was not effective due to the registration of such properties.

In his letter, the director, Makrand Pandurang, stated that it was brought to his notice that registrations of sale deeds in the urban area notified under Section 7A of the Haryana Development and Regulation of Urban Areas Act, 1975 were taking place in Gurugram district without NOCs and the details of such registries had been sent to the office of the deputy commissioner, Gurugram.

As per the rules, an NOC has to be obtained from the enforcement wing of DTCP to register a plot of land less than two-kanals in size to ensure that the land would not be sub-divided to create smaller plots as part of unauthorised colonies.

The letter further said that the registration of such sale deeds without NOCs was resulting in widespread sub-division, leading to the development of unauthorised colonies.

“As deputy commissioner-cum-registrar, it is incumbent upon you to ensure that such sale deeds do not get registered without an NOC from concerned DTP. Hence, you are requested to explore all possible legal mechanisms to undo the damage arising out of registration of such sale deeds, which are executed without obtaining NOC, including annulment/cancellation/withdrawal of such registrations or initiating judicial process etc [sic],” read the letter.

Basti Ram, the district revenue officer, said that action has already been initiated against officials who have allowed registries in unauthorised areas. “We have also issued directions to all the sub-tehsils that no registry should be carried out without an NOC. We are also coordinating with the town and country planning department and will ensure that no violations take place,” he said, adding that they would take strict action against erring officials.

A district administration spokesperson said that they have already designated a team of officials from the department of town and country planning (DTCP) to work in coordination with the revenue department at the tehsil-level to prevent these registries. “Officials of the DTP, enforcement, have been deputed tehsilwise for coordination in tehsils/sub-tehsils daily to ensure that no sale deeds are executed in contravention of rules,” he said.

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