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News: Plot registries pick up pace in Gurugram-01-07-2020


After the imposition of lockdown, the revenue department started its operations on April 20. However, officials said that only a few people were visiting the office for the registration.

GURUGRAM: Two months after the revenue department received a lukewarm response for registration of properties, it has now started gaining pace with 50 registries a day to 250 registries every day.

“People have started coming for the registry of their apartments and houses after the Unlock 1.0. The real estate market, which had suffered a lot during the lockdown period, has started showing signs of recovery now. Consequently, we are seeing more people coming up for the registries,” said a district administration official.

After the imposition of lockdown, the revenue department started its operations on April 20. However, officials said that only a few people were visiting the office for the registration. “Even though the revenue department had resumed its services, people were hesitant to come out since curbs were not eased for the public movement.

“Now that the restrictions have relaxed, more people have started coming out,” the official added.

Registry is going on in six tehsils and three sub-tehsils, including GurgaonSohna, Pataudi, Farrukhnagar, Manesar, Wazirabad, Badhshapur, Kadipur and Harsuru, from 9am to 5pm. Officials said that people are saving time by seeking appointments online. “The employees at the department are ensuring social distancing and wearing face masks and gloves and maintaining regular sanitisation,” an official told TOI.

On April 17, the department of revenue and disaster management issued an order stating that the delivery of public services viz, registration of instruments pertaining to transfer of property etc will have to be carried out from April 20.

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