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News: Gurugram: After travel firm, Shuttl tells worker to resign-31-03-2020


Updated On: Mar 31, 2020

GURUGRAM: As many as 100 workers at Shuttl have been asked to resign over the past few days as the Gurugram- based mobility startup is not being able to “keep up with the costs” during the Covid-19 lockdown, TOI has learnt. However, Shuttl says it has fired only 40 people. According to the workers, the company has assured them of a month’s salary if they resign at the earliest.

One of the employees has even tweeted to the Haryana chief minister, hoping for some respite. All of them are anxious as they see bleak chances of getting new jobs in the near future.

The laid-off comes a couple of days after New York-based travel company Fareportal sacked 250 employees who had recently joined its Gurugram office, citing the “devastating effect” the coronavirus pandemic has had on commercial aviation and the tourism industry.

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