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News: Illegal sewage plant & parking lot removed in demolition drive-05-08-2021



Gurgaon: The municipal corporation of Gurgaon (MCG) on Wednesday demolished an illegal sewage treatment plant (STP) and an illegal parking lot and reclaimed 1,500 sq yard of the government land in Sector 48.
These structures were built by a private developer.
On the directions given by the joint commissioner of zone-4, Sumit Kumar, an enforcement team led by assistant engineer Naim Husaain, junior engineers Sachin Kumar and Mandeep Kumar along with police personnels removed the encroachments from Sohna road. The MCG officials said that the measurement of the land was first done by the patwari before using earthmovers to demolish the illegal structures.

MCG commissioner Mukesh Kumar Ahuja directed the joint commissioners and enforcement teams of each zone to conduct demolition drives to clear government land of encroachments. Ahuja has also directed the officials to properly utilise the reclaimed land.

On Monday, the enforcement team of zone-1 removed encroachments from the Kadipur industrial area.


An under-construction illegal building was razed in the area. Moreover, the enforcement team of zone-3 also demolished illegal structures in Gwalpahadi recently where an unauthorised colony was being built on the government land.

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