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News: Now, apply online for affordable homes in Gurugram-08-06-2021


Forms for an affordable housing scheme will have to be filled on the DTCP portal and the draw of lots will take place online as well. The beneficiaries will get confirmation through SMSes.

GURUGRAM: To streamline the allotment of flats under the affordable housing scheme of Haryana and eliminate the chances of any manipulation, the department of town and country planning (DTCP) has introduced a digital draw system.

Now, forms for an affordable housing scheme will have to be filled on the DTCP portal and the draw of lots will take place online as well. The beneficiaries will get confirmation through SMSes.

Till now, developers advertised about their affordable housing projects and distributed forms directly or through agents, following which the draw for allotment of flats was conducted in the presence of the senior town planner. “But the department has been receiving complaints about irregularities in allotment and unavailability of the application forms. To fix this, we have introduced an online system of filling forms and allotment,” said STP Sanjeev Mann.

The department issued a notification in this regard on April 7 and on Monday, senior DTCP officials held a virtual meeting with developers from across Haryana.

According to new norms, a developer will have to submit an online application with details of the projects and tentative date of draw. After scrutiny, the STP will provide the approval and it will go live, which will be visible to the general public. Potential buyers will have to create a login id on the website with their mobile number. All the forms filled by the individual buyers will be scrutinised by the developer.

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