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News: 2,000 ‘no parking’ signs to be put up in Gurgaon-23-03-2021


2,000 ‘no parking’ signs to be put up in Gurgaon

Gurgaon: The GMDA has started work for the installation of 2,000 no-parking signs at about 100 key junctions in the city to deter people from leaving their vehicles on the roads. An official from the mobility wing of GMDA said tenders have been floated and they are expecting the bids to come in soon. The project, estimated to cost Rs 1.4 crore, will be completed in the next four months. The move comes after the authorities received complaints from several people who said their vehicles were towed despite the absence of ‘no parking’ signs at the spot.

“While it is illegal to park on the roads and near junctions, people expect to see no-parking signs before they are issued challans,” said the official.

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