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News: Gurugram: Sewers choked, but no action, say residents-12-03-2021


Gurugram: Sewers choked, but no action, say residents

GURUGRAM: Overflowing sewage has become a cause of concern for the residents of sectors 46 and 47. The residents pointed out that the sewer lines in the area are completely choked, leading to water accumulation at various places.

Despite several complaints, the civic authorities are passing the buck to each other but not willing to provide a solution, the residents alleged.

Sunil Yadav, RWA president of Sector 47 said, “We have been facing overflowing sewers for the past 20 days now and have been complaining about the same to the civic authorities but nothing has been done to resolve the problem.”

Similarly, the residents of Sector 46 have been facing a constant problem of sewer overflow and blockage in the area. “Overflowing of sewer has become a perennial problem for us and on an average we have been receiving 40-50 complaints daily, but no permanent solution is provided to us,” said RK Yadav, RWA president of Sector 46.

Meanwhile, Pradeep Ahlawat, MCG, joint commissioner-4 said, “I will will direct the official concerned for a site visit to rectify the problem on priority.”

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