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News: HSVP tells estate office 1 to clear pending files-04-02-2021


The Haryana Shahari Vikas Pradhikaran (HSVP) on Thursday directed that certain applications pending with the estate office 1 be processed at the earliest

The applications include occupancy certificate (OC), transfer of property and re-allotment certificate, mortgage among others.

The direction was issued after applicants said their files were unduly delayed.

As per information available with the agency, the estate office had received around 242 applications in January and, till Tuesday evening, 79 were pending. The citizen charter had required the office to clear applicants’ requests within a fixed timeline -- 32 such categories had to be completed in two weeks -- and many of these were flouted.

For instance, the process to issue a completion certificate needs to be completed in four days and the certificates should be issued within eight working days and so on.

Jitender Yadav, HSVP administrator, said, “We are also working to ensure that CM Window complaints are resolved.”

Earlier, the chief administrator had also taken cognizance of delay in processing of applications in Gurugram, said an official privy to the matter. “Apart from instructions from local officials, the direction from head office will ensure that pending work is completed on priority,” he said.

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